VIDEO – Drainage canals for floods prevention are being intensively built in the municipalities of Mogila and Maliq

Тhe drainage canals are intensively being constructed in municipality of Mogila, in the villages Budakovo and Trap, as well as in the municipality of Maliq, in the villages Vlocist and Dritas. The villages are frequently exposed to floods, the most recent big floods happened in 2016 and 2017.



With the construction of the sewerage network, draining will be enabled for the existing atmospheric waters and because of that it is planned for a collection system from reinforced concrete trapezoidal canals to be built with a total length of around 3 km. So, there will be one main collector and 5 connecting arms, and that way, the planned area will be completely drained“, said Nikolce Gjuroski, construction manager.


In 2017, this place right here in our yard, it was flooded together with the garden, around 40-50cm. We couldn’t, due to the water, the floods, to go inside our homes, there was a great damage done, now with this canal this won’t happen again“, said Emretin Salievski, resident of the village Budakovo.


he final goal is to guide the water in the already existing bigger drainage canals. Small bridges across the canals are also being built to provide a passage to the houses in the villages.


This canal disposes all the surface waters from the village of Vlocist.This canal is constructed in order to have no blockages created and have excess water flowing into the main canal“, said Ilir Islamaj, construction manager.


Due to the natural conditions, during the floods that took place in 2016, this place was flooded a lot 4-5 years ago. And now, thank God, the construction of these drainage canals, which pass through there, is a very good thing“, said Sotiraq Mucollari, resident of the village Vlocist.


It is insisted for the canals to be on the side of the roads. With that, beside avoiding the danger of floods in the houses and farmland, but also the roads will be drained. Final beneficiaries from the project are going to be 70 000 people in municipality of Mogila and municipality of Maliq.





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