VIDEO – Construction plan for 30 houses in the place called Ivanidol in Kichevo

Construction plan for 30 houses in the place called Ivanidol in Kichevo. Includs one living room with kitchen, one bedroom and bathroom with toilet. The usable surface of the houses is 45m2.  Open call for applications addressing the Roma community in the municipality, with special emphasis on the community living in “Prilepska” settlement.

„The Social housing program for Roma in Kichevo is developed with the aim to resolve the biggest issue of Roma community in Kichevo, which is the housing issue“, said Mirsad Ramazanoski-Roma information centre Kichevo.

„The program for social housing is an approach which will target Roma families with low incomes. The building of social houses will enable improvement of the living conditions of Roma families“, said Stojan Grujoski- Public institution Center for social work (PI CSW) Kichevo.

The construction will include all utility connections: water, electricity and sewage. The houses will be equipped with kitchen and bathroom elements. All the materials used for the construction of the houses will be compliance with the standards, including insulation, PVC double-glazed windows.


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