VIDEO – Social housing for Roma in Kichevo

Projec: Roma Social Housing Program in Kichevo. Everyone deserves a home. Joint activities to support and help the Roma community in overcoming the most bitter problem with housing. The project is in line with the strategy for Roma in the Republic of North Macedonia 2014-2020, which targets the 5 most important sectors for the Roma community such as: employment, education, housing, healthcare and culture.

The project will bring:

  • Developed program for social housing
  • At least 30 families will be selected and included in the social housing program
  • Construction of houses in the area (Ivanidol) chosen for the social housing project

Construction of social houses. Process of selecting families who will receive social houses. Support for families in the moving-in process.

This video is funded by the European Union. The content of this video is the sole responsibility of the Center for Civic Initiative and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union.

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